Maximize Your Vr Fun With Badoinkvr’s Discounted Membership Plans

The world of virtual reality has opened up new possibilities for entertainment, and BadoinkVR is at the forefront of delivering immersive experiences to its users. With their discounted membership plans, you can now maximize your VR fun without breaking the bank. Whether you’re a long-time fan or new to the world of VR, there’s never been a better time to join BadoinkVR and dive into their ever-growing library of content.

So why wait? Get ready to take your VR experience to the next level with BadoinkVR’s discounted membership plans.

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Maximize Your Vr Fun With Badoinkvr’s Discounted Membership Plans

The world of virtual reality (VR) has taken the porn industry by storm, and it’s no surprise why. With the ability to fully immerse oneself in the experience, VR has elevated the level of pleasure for viewers. And one website that has been at the forefront of this technology is Badoinkvr.

Since its launch in 2015, Badoinkvr has become a top player in the VR porn market, offering high-quality content and cutting-edge technology. But what truly sets them apart from other websites is their discounted membership plans. We will delve deeper into how you can maximize your VR fun with Badoinkvr’s discounted membership plans.

The Rise of VR Porn

Before we dive into what makes Badoinkvr stand out, let’s first understand why VR porn has become so popular. The advancement of technology has allowed for more realistic and immersive experiences, making traditional 2D porn seem outdated. With VR, viewers can now be a part of the action and feel like they are truly in the room with their favorite performers.

VR porn offers something unique to viewers – interactivity. With the use of special controllers or devices, viewers can now control the actions and movements of performers, adding an extra layer of excitement to their viewing experience.

Badoinkvr’s Discounted Membership Plans

One of the biggest advantages of being a member on Badoinkvr is their discounted membership plans. They offer three different options – monthly, quarterly and yearly subscriptions – with each plan offering significant savings compared to paying for individual videos.

For instance, a monthly subscription costs $29.95 but gives access to over 600 videos. This means that you are only paying around $0.05 per video! The quarterly subscription is even more cost-effective, with a one-time payment of $59.95 for 3 months, giving access to over 1800 videos. And the yearly subscription offers the best value, with a one-time payment of $99.95 for an entire year of unlimited access to over 2500 videos.

Porn Websites: Wankz-vr

As mentioned earlier, Badoinkvr is not the only VR porn website out there. Another popular option is wankz-vr, which has also been making waves in the industry since its launch in 2016. Here are some pros and cons of wankz-vr:


  • The Content Variety
  • Wankz-vr offers a wide variety of content to cater to different preferences and fetishes. From solo scenes to hardcore group sessions, viewers can find something that suits their taste.

  • Frequent Updates
  • The website is updated regularly, with new scenes added at least once a week. There’s no need to worry about finding a casual hookup in Pittsburgh when you can simply log onto Bad Girl Chats and connect with like-minded individuals who are also looking for some fun. This ensures that there is always fresh content for viewers to enjoy.

  • High-Quality Videos
  • Wankz-vr prides itself on producing high-quality videos with crystal clear visuals and sound. The attention to detail in their production sets them apart from other websites.

  • Interactive Features
  • Similar to Badoinkvr, wankz-vr also offers interactive features such as special controllers or devices that allow viewers to control the actions of performers. This adds an extra layer of immersion and excitement for viewers.


  • Expensive Membership Plans
  • Compared to Badoinkvr’s discounted plans, wankz-vr’s membership options can be quite expensive. Their monthly plan costs $29.95, while their yearly plan costs $149.95.

  • Limited Payment Options
  • Unlike Badoinkvr, which offers multiple payment options such as credit card, PayPal, and even cryptocurrency, wankz-vr only accepts credit card payments. This may be inconvenient for some viewers who prefer alternative payment methods.

Badoinkvr vs Wankz-vr: Which is Better?

Now that we have looked at the pros and cons of both websites, the question remains – which one is better? The answer ultimately depends on your personal preference. Both Badoinkvr and wankz-vr offer high-quality content with interactive features, which are essential factors for VR porn. It offers a comprehensive and detailed Review that helps readers make an informed decision before subscribing to the site.

However, Badoinkvr’s discounted membership plans give them a slight edge over wankz-vr in terms of value for money. With access to a larger collection of videos at a lower cost per video, it’s clear that Badoinkvr has an advantage in this area.

Moreover, Badoinkvr also offers a wider range of payment options compared to wankz-vr, making it more accessible to viewers from different regions. This convenience factor could also play a role in determining which website is better.

The Future of VR Porn

As we enter the year 2024, it’s safe to say that VR technology will continue to advance rapidly, further enhancing the VR porn experience. And with more and more people becoming interested in exploring this new realm of pleasure, we can expect to see more websites like Badoinkvr and wankz-vr emerge in the coming years. If you’re in search of the ultimate immersive experience, look no farther than the best VR porn apps on the market.

Badoinkvr’s discounted membership plans make it an attractive option for those looking to maximize their VR fun without breaking the bank. However, with its diverse content variety and frequent updates, wankz-vr also holds its own in the competitive world of VR porn. Whichever website you choose, one thing is for sure – the future of VR porn looks incredibly exciting.

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How do I redeem the badoinkvr discount?

To redeem the badoinkvr discount, simply visit their website and click on the Join Now button. Then, select the subscription plan you want and proceed to check out. At the checkout page, enter the discount code in the designated box and click Apply to see your discounted price. Complete the payment process and enjoy your discounted badoinkvr membership!

Is there a limit to how many times I can use the badoinkvr discount?

No, there is no limit to how many times you can use the badoinkvr discount. It can be used every time you make a purchase on their website.